Friday, March 27, 2009

Game Project Progress Report #7

I decided to change the functioning of the ZERO and ONE operations. Previously, they moved zero or one respectively directly into a bucket. I've decided to make them move zero or one into the register instead, as this will be more consistent with the workings of the other operations, and will be more consistent with my goal of staying close to an assembler-type language.

I alse decided to change the wording on one of the menu items from "Audit" to "Prove It!" A student would use "Prove It!" to prove to his teacher or friends that he completed a puzzle. Since the puzzles tell you what numbers to enter -- no more no less -- I changed the report to include a list of all number which had been read for the most recent execution of the program.

Here's the new menu item (reminder: right-click to get the popup menu)...

And here's the "Prove It!" report...


1. Zero E
2. Read
3. While Reg > E
4. Write
5. Read
6. Wend
7. End
8. _


Level is 3.


The register has a value of 0


1. 3
2. 4
3. 8
4. 2
5. 0


Bucket A is empty.
Bucket B is empty.
Bucket C is empty.
Bucket D is empty.
Bucket E has a value of 0.


1. 3
2. 4
3. 8
4. 2
5. Normal end.

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